Miracles vs Theory
Miracles vs Theory
Casy Allen, Ashley Barrow, Sarah Carney, Keasia Carter, Sydney Ferrara, Molly Gilkison, Jarad Glenn, Carolina Gonzalez, Charles Grosse, Shawn Holden, Abigail Hoskins, Faith Jackson, Evan Johnson,
Morgan Johnson, Michael Kaufling, William Kimmel, Bradley Luttrell, Micah Mattingly, Sajan Patel, Anna Richardson, Ramona Rowan, Michael Sanford, Olivia Soto, Samantha Tapiesanchez, Andre Terrell, Alegandro, Valera, Carlton Warren, Olivia Whaley, Katherine Wilder, Brandon Williams, Eastern High School students October 2012
The purpose of comparing science to religion concerns learning how science works, so that future scientists will continue to base their decisions on experimental evidence. If science fiction or unproven principles begin to be taught as theory or law, then science becomes religion and this is very dangerous to science. The goal is to prevent this from ever happening.
Science and religion had long since been conflicted with one another. Science is based on theory which is subject to change, where as religion is strong in its resolve in individual faith. Science views miracles as events that can’t be tested or proven. Religion has statements that can’t be proven or disproved. Science has statements that can be tested and proven.
Religion is filled with fictitious concepts, which is the reason why not everyone believes in the same religion; religion is not based on scientific fact. Religion is what you choose to believe also religion promotes miracles, which cannot be explained or proven. All religion has to have a set belief system; religion associates everything with their own religion. Religion depends on an individual’s beliefs and trust in their religion. Religion is centered mostly on faith. Most religions are passed down through family. Religion does not change because the events associated with the details of the religion involve life and death events.
Science is fact, based upon theories. Science chooses logical and rational thinking to explain inexplicable events. A finite universe would mean it has a birth and a death; emptiness, nothing and something are interchangeable according to The Big Bang Theory. Science is trying to prove the universe is finite by investigating the Higgs Boson particle. Understanding the God particle will help us determine a plan to make more of something, like gold.
In conclusion, science and religion are opposites because science is based upon thesis that is subject to change, whereas religion is founded in its principles that do not change. Science and religion will always contradict each other, because science is based on fact and religion is based on your own beliefs. A major tool of science is crime scene investigation; the scientific method can be used to trace money laundering. If there is a murder, science can be used to test blood samples. Sometimes criminals get away with their crime, and this is where religion comes in, and says that an afterlife will result in judgment. Religion has set rules that can predict an outcome; however those rules do not change with new technology. For example, the DNA of plants is being changed to restrict the amount of pesticides being used to increase crop yields. This is how science and religion are different and should never be mixed together, since science is the fundamental tool to test and prove whether rules should be followed.